Day: November 19, 2015

Request for proposal for legal services.

Albpetrol is a trade company that owns the rights for exploration, development and production of existing oilfields in the Republic of Albania.

We are currently operating the Patos-Marinza oilfield, by means of a Petroleum Agreement we have signed with Bankers Petroleum Albania Ltd. (former Saxon International Petroleum Ltd.), an offshore company incorporated and existing under the Cayman Law.

On 25 September 2015, Bankers Petroleum Albania Ltd. (the Claimant) has filed an application for arbitration at the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) (ICC 21349 EMT) on the dispute regarding the recoverable costs.

First hearing by the Tribunal is set on December 14, 2015.

Please keep in mind that all disputes that are subject to arbitration in accordance with the Petroleum Agreement, are governed by the laws of England.

To ensure a successful and high-profile professional defense, we want to invite all interested lawyers and law firms specialized in the international arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC).

This meetings shall take place in Tirana, Albania, on 23-27 November 2015.

All interested parties should be well-known and reputed in the field of practice according to rankings of the international leading legal guides governments and state-owned entities.

Also, all interested parties should have extensive experience in representation of the disputes derived from oil & gas industry.

All interested parties should contact us via email on:

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