Albpetrol sh.a is the Albanian public Oil and Gas Upstream Company. Founded on 6 April 1999, Albpetrol inherited all the assets and oilfields in Albania after the fall of the Communist regime. Company headquarters are located in the city of Patos, Fier County. The company has also a representative office located in Tirana, the Albanian Capital. We operate is several Albanian regions such as Fier, Ballsh, Patos, Kuçovë, Vlorë, Delvinë etc.
Announcements, news, activities developed by and within the framework of the Albpetrol company. Navigate to access the archive of publications in chronological order
Informacion mbi aktivitetin e Albpetrol si autotritet shites.
Detaje mbi ankandet e shitjes se naftes bruto ose gazit shoqerues.
Gjithashtu mundesite e bashkepunimit e gjeni tek vendet vakante te punes.
National Positioning
Strategically positioned in the heart of Albania, Albpetrol offers easy access from the two main sea ports in Durres and Vlora, also the two industrial ports build specifically for oil and gas.
Porti më i madh dhe më i rëndësishëm në Shqipëri
Porti më i madh dhe më i rëndësishëm në Shqipëri
Mbulon 81.8% të transportit detar të vendit
Ka kapacitet për të procesuar 4 milionë tonë mallra për vit.
Njoftime per Median